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A Journal of Catholic News and Views

Alphabetical Article Archive by Author (View Articles by Date)
- Altiere, Francis X.
- Keep the Faith, Change the Church (8/20/2002)
- Alves, O. M.
- The Young Friar and the Emperor (11/2/2005)
- Anger, Matthew M.
- A Reader's Guide to Hilaire Belloc (2/8/2005)
- Book Review: The Guillotine and the Cross (4/13/2005)
- Causes of Unrest: The Spiritual Roots of Rebellion (5/17/2004)
- Christianity and the Pursuit of Leisure (12/28/2005)
- Culture Wars Over "The Passion" (2/24/2004)
- Dissenting from the Dissent (4/12/2003)
- Faith and Fiction (10/18/2004)
- Freedom From Sin (7/5/2004)
- From His Age to Ours (3/30/2004)
- From Many Gods to One? (10/13/2003)
- God and History (8/30/2004)
- Midwife at Auschwitz: The Story of Stanislawa Leszczynska (1/4/2005)
- Pius XII: From World War to Culture War (8/13/2005)
- Race and the Church (12/1/2003)
- Separation and Its Discontents: The Myth of American Church-State Relations (2/2/2004)
- Spanish Martyrs for Virginia (8/30/2003)
- St. Thomas More and Modern Martyrdom (6/6/2003)
- Terrorists and Post-Modernists (3/8/2006)
- The Psychology of Unbelief (10/12/2005)
- When Everyone Was Homeschooled (7/12/2006)
- Bond, Dr. Jeffrey M.
- Harboring Sexual Predators in Scranton? (1/30/2002)
- Bugnolo, Br. Alexis
- A Keel-haul of the Faith (8/16/2002)
- A Much Needed Crusade (9/9/2003)
- A Note on the Latin Phrase perfidus Iudaeus (6/27/2003)
- A Pilgrimage to Bethlehem (1/12/2004)
- Antichrist Rising (3/16/2004)
- At the Name of Jesus (5/2/2003)
- Behold your Mother! (8/23/2005)
- What Does It Profit a Man...? (10/11/2002)
- Clark, John
- The Capitalist Response (9/27/2002)
- Clark, William F.
- Theistic Revolution (11/16/2005)
- Davis, John
- Some Saintly Advice for Catholic Politicians (7/27/2004)
- Dougherty, Fr. Eugene
- Book Review: Literary Converts (10/11/2004)
- Dubiaga Jr., Dr. Michael
- Musician to Five Popes: Don Lorenzo Perosi (11/30/2005)
- Faber, Edward
- Fernandes, Trevor N.
- The Desecration of St. Francis Xavier Church (1/23/2002)
- Fitzsimmons-Vanden Heuvel, Maureen J.
- Follow-Up on the Milwaukee Cathedral Renovation (2/28/2002)
- Frost, Alan
- A Christmas Card from Fra Angelico (12/21/2005)
- Frederick William Faber (7/26/2006)
- Pope Adrian IV (3/22/2006)
- Gallagher, Rev. Daniel B.
- Gallo, Patrick J.
- Dachau's Priests (3/28/2003)
- Galvin, John
- A Traditional Pilgrimage Right Here in America (8/25/2003)
- Is There a Safe Haven? (11/18/2003)
- Gardiner, Anne Barbeau
- Goodman, Donald P.
- Reflections on Pluralism (5/11/2005)
- Harrison, O.S., Fr. Brian W.
- Could Limbo Be 'Abolished'? (12/7/2005)
- Film Review: The Exorcism of Emily Rose (9/21/2005)
- Magnanimity Comes to Hollywood (5/16/2006)
- Hennessy, Michael
- Belloc as a Catholic Historian (9/7/2005)
- David Jones and the Holy Mass (6/21/2006)
- Fr. Vincent McNabb: A Voice of Contradiction (4/29/2005)
- Only the Cross Stands as the World Turns (10/26/2005)
- Pope St Pius X and Hilaire Belloc (5/24/2005)
- The Observant Friar Martyrs of Greenwich (7/27/2005)
- Hudson, Walter M.
- Book Review: Beginning at Jerusalem (3/8/2005)
- Book Review: Earthly Powers (4/12/2006)
- Book Review: The Church Confronts Modernity (11/15/2004)
- Interviews
- Interview with Fr. Louis Demornex (6/22/2004)
- Interview with Ron Rychlak (1/24/2003)
- Interview with Roy Schoeman (12/15/2003)
- Interview with Susie Lloyd (6/1/2005)
- Interview with Thomas E. Woods, Jr. (11/24/2004)
- James, R.
- Overcoming "Cafeteria Traditionalism" (9/24/2003)
- Jones, Kenneth C.
- The Vatican II Renewal: Myth or Reality (12/8/2003)
- Kozinski, T. Renee
- Icon of St. Edmund Campion (9/7/2004)
- Thoughts on a Catholic Child's Library (6/7/2006)
- Kozinski, Thaddeus J.
- LaBauve, Randy
- A Familiar Execution (3/28/2005)
- Lamb, Charles
- They Didn't Hit the Vatican (11/15/2002)
- Lengel, Edward G.
- Battling Gomorrah (4/12/2004)
- Louis, James
- McCaffrey, Roger A.
- What Sort of Man is This? (5/4/2005)
- Miller, Peter W.
- A Brief Defense of Traditionalism (12/21/2001)
- A Manufactured Priest Shortage (1/11/2002)
- A Wish List of Catholic Movies (12/13/2004)
- Abortion is Hazardous to Your Health (1/25/2002)
- Archbishop Weakland's Legacy (6/7/2002)
- Birds of a Feather (4/27/2002)
- Book Review: Close-ups of the Charismatic Movement (5/10/2002)
- Book Review: The Devil's Final Battle (10/4/2002)
- Book Review: The Great Façade (8/28/2002)
- China's Schismatic Church (11/16/2001)
- Common Ground on the Catholic Crisis (4/4/2003)
- Compassion, Secrecy and Scandal in the Archdiocese of Seattle (4/11/2002)
- Differing from Other Councils... (1/3/2003)
- Discriminatory Abortion (8/24/2001)
- From Ratisbonne to Reflections (9/18/2002)
- Muslim Persecution of Catholics (1/18/2002)
- Non Habemus Papam (4/4/2005)
- Reflections on Faith and Science (8/8/2003)
- Revolutionary Parallels (8/2/2004)
- Substituting the Exception for the Rule (10/25/2002)
- Texas Pastor Removed Over Latin Masses (7/4/2003)
- The Fallen Angels of "St. Sebastian's" (7/19/2002)
- The Futility of ARCIC (1/4/2002)
- The Myth of "Modern Man" (2/22/2002)
- The Reality of Evil (11/27/2002)
- The Renewal of Forde (2/8/2002)
- The Romanian Catholic Fight to Reclaim Stolen Property (2/15/2002)
- The Sacrifice of Pope Pius XII (12/14/2001)
- The Wisdom of Bishop Cawcutt (8/31/2001)
- Tilting at Liturgical Abuses (1/18/2005)
- Time to Face the Truth (10/26/2001)
- Tribute to a Catholic Man (6/7/2004)
- True Soldiers in the Church Militant (11/23/2001)
- UW's Baby Organ Business (9/28/2001)
- Weakland's Cathedral Renovations (7/27/2001)
- Moynihan, Robert
- Restore the Old Mass (6/2/2004)
- Newman, Fr. Jay Scott
- O'Brien, Steve
- From Hadamar to Woodlawn (4/1/2005)
- Get Down There (3/1/2005)
- Shooting the Cardinal: Film and Betrayal in the Mindszenty Case (1/11/2005)
- Palm, David
- Palmer, J. D.
- Arguments Against Homosexual Unions (7/20/2004)
- History and the Gospels (10/4/2004)
- Park, Erven E.
- An Agony Unbeknown (3/23/2002)
- An Appeal to Archbishop Brunett (8/1/2003)
- Chaos, Common Sense & the Church Catholic Today (2/5/2002)
- Cutting to the Chase (10/5/2005)
- Homophilia (3/29/2002)
- Homophobic? Yes! - Praised Be God (10/7/2003)
- Idolatry & Sodomy: To Thee We Wed (3/5/2002)
- Inquiry on the Canonical Status of Parish "Liturgy Committees" (1/5/2004)
- The "Talents" and Our Testing (12/21/2002)
- The Most Abused and Actively Misrepresented Decree to Come out of Vatican II (1/16/2002)
- The Real Crux of the Church's Crisis (8/23/2002)
- The Sodomite Offensive in the Catholic Church (5/25/2004)
- The Trashing of Truth (9/14/2004)
- Pryor, J. Christopher
- The Death Penalty and Catholic Morality (3/18/2003)
- Rao, Dr. John C.
- All Borrowed Armor Chokes Us: An Historical Introduction to the Problems of Catholic Action (7/9/2005)
- Half the Business of Destruction Done (12/28/2004)
- I Lied, I Captured, I'm Right (12/29/2003)
- Lamennais, Rousseau, and the New Catholic Order (2/1/2005)
- Lose the Past, Lose the Present (11/1/2004)
- School Days (3/15/2005)
- The "War of Liberation": An Unmitigated Catholic Defeat (4/9/2003)
- The Great Western Schism (Part I) (2/1/2006)
- The Great Western Schism (Part II) (2/15/2006)
- The Sack of Rome: 1527, 1776 (4/27/2004)
- The Venetian Interdict of 1606-1607 (9/21/2004)
- Two Popes, Saint Benedict, and the Soul of the West (4/20/2005)
- What's Past is Prologue (8/16/2004)
- Sharpe, John
- Book Review: The Outline of Sanity (6/21/2002)
- Capitalism and Catholic Economics (9/6/2002)
- Catholic Action - an Alternative View (12/13/2002)
- Liberal Economics vs. Catholic Truth (11/3/2002)
- Sheppard, Joseph
- Our Holy Faith - One of Many? (10/22/2003)
- Si Si No No
- Siscoe, Robert
- The Mystical vs. the Eucharistic "Body of Christ" (8/7/2002)
- The Problem with the Pro-life Movement (6/29/2002)
- Sonnier, David L.
- Springtime Decay (1/19/2004)
- St. Louis IX
- Tatroult, Joseph
- Why Chant? (8/31/2005)
- Thommasi, Fr. Romano
- Tuttle, Jonathan
- Mel Gibson's Pieta (3/2/2004)
- The Celestine Conclave (7/11/2003)
- The Cost of Compromise (5/10/2004)
- Yet We Claim to be Pro-Life (9/19/2003)
- Vennari, John
- Report from World Youth Day (7/26/2002)
- Second Report from World Youth Day (7/31/2002)
- The Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary? (11/8/2002)
- Veshtaj, Rudolph
- The Incoherent Council (2/21/2003)
- Welitz, Harold E.
- Deception Under the Appearance of Good (5/23/2003)
- Wilson, Fr. Joseph F.
- Where are the Shepherds? (2/14/2003)
- Woods, Jr., Thomas E.
- Cafeteria Bishops (3/8/2004)
- Economics and Profit: A Final Word (10/17/2002)
- No Wonder Our Ranks Keep Growing (11/3/2003)
- Patriotism and Criticism: Allies, not Enemies (4/25/2003)
- Revisiting Some Old Questions (7/25/2003)