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The increasing health risks of partaking in ritual murder
Despite its obvious role in the direct destruction of innocent human life, the practice of abortion is increasingly resulting in other serious consequences for its perpetrators. As with other unnatural acts (sodomy, drug abuse, etc.), abortion is taking its natural toll on those indoctrinated with secular beliefs based on man's fallen nature rather than the divine Truth of God. While psychological and physiological afflictions resulting from abortion have been observed for some time, the research and evidence are reaching undeniable levels, admitted even by a "Women's Committee Expert" at the UN.1
Have such findings frightened those individuals and organizations interested in furthering the plague of abortion? Certainly not. They claim the cases to be fabrications, the research biased and the results tainted. They can see no possible way for abortion to do anything but good both for individuals and society. They come with their own figures and numbers and research and "experts" showing abortion to be a "harmless, risk-free" procedure. Those who proclaim the ultimate superiority of "freedom" and "choice" are unable to accept anything which contradicts their secular dogmas. But I guess if you'll believe a kicking, moving child with a beating heart is merely a mass of tissue which can be removed and discarded at whim, you'll believe anything.
Trauma, Depression and Suicide
In November of 2001, the United States Senate passed an appropriations bill for the departments of Labor, Health & Human Services and Education that gave official recognition to "post-abortion depression and post-abortion psychosis". In her National Review Online article, Kathryn Jean Lopez identified this as the "first federal recognition that women other than the ones who actually die or are otherwise physically injured, by infections or worse, at the hands of abortionists can actually suffer from something real: a genuine, medically recognized depression."
The amendment implores the National Institutes of Health to "expand and intensify research and related activities ... with respect to post-abortion depression and post-abortion psychosis." While the amendment did not appropriate monies and will likely be dropped before the bill's final passage, Lopez notes, "it did acknowledge that a condition exists that heretofore had been denied, dismissed as bogus and nothing more than a pro-life tactic." 2
"Dr. Vincent Rue, Ph.D. tells us that post-abortive men and women re-experience the abortion in their memories, in dreams, in actions, in intense psychological distress, and in depression. In order to cope with these negative feelings, they use the defense mechanisms of denial, avoidance, numbing (psychological numbing as well as substance abuse), hyper-vigilance, and low self-esteem." 3
"The almost complete similarity of the seasonal rhythm of female suicides and that of voluntary abortion furnishes valid support for a strong relationship between the two," say researchers Angelo Cagnacci and Annibale Volpe at the University of Modena.4
RESULTS: The rate of voluntary abortions showed a seasonal rhythm with an amplitude of 6.1-6.7% and peaked in May (±38 days). The national frequency of female suicides, obtained from the same ISTAT database, showed a similar rhythm, with an amplitude of 11.1% and maximal rate in June (±37 days).
CONCLUSIONS: The present data show a seasonal rhythm in the rate of voluntary abortion, which is almost identical to that of female suicides. This link suggests common provocative mechanisms and may indicate common preventative measures.5
The Breast Cancer Link
Breast cancer is rapidly replacing "AIDS" as the "fashionable" medical cause of the day. Whether it be the latest Hollywood awards program, a local triathlon or an executive fundraiser, the urgency of breast cancer support is everywhere. Because of the almost exclusive effect upon women, feminist groups have been at the forefront on promoting such widespread breast cancer "awareness". In a tragic twist of irony, the evidence that breast cancer is linked to another feminist cause elective abortion has been met with embarrassment and denial.
"Women are at risk and they do not really know about it." |
"Out of 37 independently published studies, 28 show a causal connection," Brind said. "And of those, 17 provide positive associations that reach statistical significance suggesting a 95-percent certainty that this association is not due to chance. That is scientific evidence which simply cannot be ignored." 6 (emphasis mine)
Lanfranchi said 13 out of 15 U.S. studies show an increased risk of developing breast cancer in women who have had abortions. ... "abortion is a completely avoidable risk factor." ... "It's a woman's right to know," said Lanfranchi, who advised her audience members to pray about the subject. "It's only right that a woman be informed of this risk." 7
Just last month, a study in Britain found that abortion makes women nearly twice as likely to develop breast cancer. The study examined 22,000 women in England and Wales and the results led to some dire predictions:
Patrick Carroll, researcher and author of the study, said the total number of breast cancer cases is expected to more than double from 35,110 in 1997 to 77,000 in 2023. The rise is "largely" because of abortions ... [The group which commissioned the study] accuses the British government, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and breast cancer charities of refusing to acknowledge that procured abortion makes breast cancer more likely. 8
Although a confidentiality agreement prevents details of the settlement from being released, Australian attorney Charles Francis is confident that other cases can be brought against abortionists on the same grounds. "It seemed to me that the evidence [of an abortion breast cancer link] was fairly strong," Francis remarked, "certainly strong enough for a good chance of winning." 9
Patrick Gillen, the Thomas More Law Center's lead attorney in the case, explained that the complaint alleges that both PPFA and its San Diego affiliate consistently mislead women about the safety of abortion by obscuring evidence that induced abortion causes breast cancer. The plaintiffs are seeking no monetary damages. Rather, they want the court to compel Planned Parenthood to inform women that abortion poses a significant health risk in the form of increased vulnerability to breast cancer, the leading cause of death among middle-age women in America.10
"Yet 'safe, legal' abortion poses many dangers to the mother, not least of which is a greatly increased risk of breast cancer in succeeding years. And in the developing world, breast cancer is a death sentence." |
In the developing world ... because of the poor state of primary health care, women who get breast cancer are unlikely to have it diagnosed until it has reached an advanced stage. Those who do have it diagnosed are unlikely to get treatment. And even the lucky few who receive the relatively unsophisticated treatments available are unlikely to survive. ... By promoting, performing, and lobbying for the legalization of abortion, the International Planned Parenthood Federation claims to be reducing "maternal mortality." Yet "safe, legal" abortion poses many dangers to the mother, not least of which is a greatly increased risk of breast cancer in succeeding years. And in the developing world, breast cancer is a death sentence.11
"It is likely that the new government has been under heavy pressure by the UN and other major international agencies to accept abortion, contraception, and sex education programs as one condition for receiving the huge foreign aid that it requires. Such aid blackmail has become standard procedure in recent years. As well, it would be reasonable to assume that the agencies see the Afghanistan situation as an opportunity to make an important inroad into the entire Muslim world in order to corrupt its normally pro-child culture. During UN conferences the past few years Muslim delegations have often been crucial to the successes that halted some of the UN attempts to impose radical changes to life, family, and religious cultures throughout the world." 12
Those who promote abortion as a "choice" or a victimless, harmless operation are finding themselves faced with an increasing body of evidence which is becoming harder and harder to deny. Given the clear damage and health risks that have resulting from what they consider a "liberating" practice, their credibility is slipping.
The "solutions" they promote for the problems of the world are completely dictated by their man-made and shifting ideologies. When sodomites and drug addicts perpetuate an outbreak of crime and disease, liberals ignore the obvious cause and propose "safe measures" and "acceptance training" in vain hope to lessen their effects. When abortion leads to trauma and depression, they seek a solution through "therapy". When an increase in breast cancer results, it's time to deny causal factors and find a "cure". Again, it's a wonder that individuals who reject all religious truths as "irrational" are completely willing to accept outrageous and inconsistent secular dogmas that run contrary to human reason and conscience.
What a wonderful thing it is to live in such a "rational" world.
Peter Miller
Seattle, WA
FOOTNOTES: 1 EWTN, "UN Women's Committee 'Expert' Admits Abortion 'Hazardous to Women's Health'" (1/25/2002) 2 CWNews, "US Senate Recognizes Post-Abortion Depression, Psychosis" (11/9/2001) 3 SOURCE: Project Rachel - Archdiocese of Baltimore 4 CWNews, "Study Links Abortion, Suicide, Depression" (8/22/2001) 5 A. Cagnacci1 & A. Volpe, "Is voluntary abortion a seasonal disorder of mood?", Human Reproduction, Vol. 16, No. 8, 1748-1752 (August 2001) 6 CWNews, "Abortion-Cancer Link Aim of Suit Against Planned Parenthood" (8/17/2001) 7 E. Holland, "Doctors say abortion, breast cancer are linked" (10/21/2001) 8 CWNews, "Study: Up to 50 Percent of Breast Cancer Caused by Abortion" (12/7/2001) 9 EWTN, "Steve Mosher: What the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Means to the Developing World" (1/4/2002) 10 CWNews, "Abortion-Cancer Link Aim of Suit Against Planned Parenthood" (8/17/2001) 11 Ibid. 12 CWNews, "Afghanistan Allows Abortions; UN Lobbying Effort Successful" (1/17/2002) |