Catholics Unite to Save Churches of the Archdiocese of Boston
PRESS RELEASE 2004-01-23
SAVE CHRIST'S CHURCHES, a religious effort of faithful Catholics concerned about the proposed Archdiocesan "Reconfiguration", announces that it will undertake a concerted effort to oppose the closing and sale of Catholic Churches throughout the Archdiocese.
SAVE CHRIST'S CHURCHES is a newly formed, volunteer organization of Catholics committed to saving the Churches of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, by means of constructive, Gospel-based prayer, initiatives, proposals, and assistance.
SAVE CHRIST'S CHURCHES will begin its campaign by means of Public Access Cable TV Program, a Website, a petition drive, and the distribution of flyers to Catholics throughout the Archdiocese.
On Thursday, January 29th, at 8:30 PM, Boston Public Access Cable Channel 23 will air the 28 minute video entitled, "Save Christ's Churches": an urgent and frank plea to the faithful of the Archdiocese to mobilize to save the churches of the Archdiocese from the "downsizing" proposed by his Excellency, Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap.. Subsequent cablecasts of this video will be announced at the website of the organization. Volunteers willing to have this video cablecast in their towns are eagerly sought.
SAVE CHRIST'S CHURCHES invites all Catholics who live and/or worship in the Archdiocese to stand up together to oppose the closings of our beloved churches. We call on all Catholics to appeal to the Archbishop to accept the assistance of the laity in solving the financial and administrative problems of the local Church without the closing and destruction of catholic churches. We especially seek supporters and volunteers from every parish and town in the Archdiocese. We pledge to work with the Archdiocese to save all of Christ's Churches in the Archdiocese.
Further press releases will be forthcoming. Please visit our website for more information about the organization and its activities.