A Special Roman Forum Event
"How Capitalism Dismantles Catholic Culture"
A spectre is haunting Roman Catholics in the United States: the increasingly insistent campaign to associate libertarian capitalist ideas with orthodox Christianity. This campaign is actually an old one, beginning in Europe in the aftermath of the Revolutions of 1848. Catholic Social Doctrine developed in the context of rebuking what was really a liberal Enlightenment effort to exploit justifiable fears of materialist Socialism by demanding submission to an equally materialist Capitalism. A special Roman Forum conference on November 5th is designed to demonstrate that, far from being a foundation for Catholic culture, modern capitalism annihilates the Catholic vision. It will demonstrate that supporters of a "free market", unrestrained by the Church's Social Doctrine, like supporters of power politics, accept the fallen order of nature as the scientific framework for life, and prohibit efforts to restore all things in Christ. In short, it will show that "no one can be a sincere libertarian capitalist and a Roman Catholic at the same time."
10:00-11:00 A.M. : John C. Rao, D.Phil.
"The Church's Battle Against Liberal Capitalism (1848-1958)"
11:15-12:15 A.M.: Christopher A. Ferrara, Esq.
"The Austrian School of Economics & Its False God of Liberty"
1:30-2:30 P.M.: Fr. Richard A. Munkelt, Ph.D.
"Catholics and the Free Market"
3:00-4:00 P.M.: Question & Answer Period
November 5th, 2005
10:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.
$10.00 Entrance At Door
R.S.V.P. by November 1st for $15.00 luncheon
Entrance at 238 Thompson Street, off Washington Square South
A, B, C, D, E, F, V Trains to West 4th Street or #6 to Bleecker Street
Email: dvhinstitute@aol.com
Website: www.romanforum.org