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A Journal of Catholic News and Views

3 Sep 2005
The Roman Forum
Lectures in Church History, 2005-2006
(5th-8th Centuries A.D.)
Lecturer: John Rao, D. Phil., Oxford
Associate Professor of History, St. John's University
Autumn-Spring 2005-2006 Schedule
- September 18: Troubles in the Imperium: 376 Onwards
- October 2: Theodosian Emperors, Patriarchs & Chalcedon
- October 16: Reactions to Chalcedon & the Monophysite Movement
- October 30: Imperial Church & Roman See: 400’s and 500’s
- November 6: Persians, Moslems, Lombards & the Empire
- November 20: St. Martin, St. Maximus Confessor & the Monophysites
- December 4: Iconoclasm
- December 18: East-West Divisions, Artificial & Real
- January 15: St. Augustine & His Reception in the West
- January 29: St. Benedict & St. Gregory the Great
- February 12: St. Isidore of Seville & Visigothic Catholicism
- February 26: Benedictines, Irish Monks, & Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms
- March 12: Roman Gaul, Clovis, and Merovingian Catholicism
- March 26: St. Columbanus and His Associates
- April 9: The Rise of the Carolingians
- April 23: English Benedictines & the German Missions
- May 7: The Papal-Carolingian Alliance
All sessions will meet on Sundays, at 2:30 pm. Attendance is open to all. No registration is required. Wine & Cheese Reception. Entrance Fee at door of $10.00
The Catholic Center at New York University in Greenwich Village
Entrance: 238 Thompson Street, off Washington Square South
(A, B, C, D, E, F trains to West 4th Street or #6 train to Bleecker Street)
Email: dvhinstitute@aol.com
Website: www.romanforum.org