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A Journal of Catholic News and Views
31 May 2002
The Wanderer's Attack on The Latin Mass


In its Winter 2002 issue, The Latin Mass magazine published an article written by John Galvin entitled "Humanae Vitae: Heroic, Deficient - Or Both?". The piece was an examination of Pope Paul VI's famous and controversial encyclical, including whether certain aspects of its construction and release were detrimental to its effectiveness. The article was followed by rebuttals from both Janet Smith and Ronald McArthur. Mr. Galvin was then given an opportunity to respond to the rebuttals. Links to the full text of each article are provided below:

Enter The Wanderer

The May 23, 2002 issue of The Wanderer contained a four-part attack on John Galvin, his article, editor-in-chief Fr. James McLucas and The Latin Mass publication as a whole:

Responses to the Attack

The first response came from former Wanderer contributor Thomas Droleskey who was puzzled by such an unwarranted assault:

The second response came from Fr. James McLucas, editor of The Latin Mass magazine who was also surprised by the reaction and invited readers to judge the evidence for themselves:

A third response was provided by John Galvin on May 30:

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